Sunday, March 20, 2011

What our world has come to...

Conflict. Violence. Battle. War.
Tunisia. Egypt. Lebanon. Bahrain. Algeria. Libya. Syria

This is what the world has come to...

It all started when Tarek al-Tayyib Muhammad Bouazizi, more commonly known as Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire on December 17th 2010. He was a street vendor and around  December 16, 2010 he had contracted approximately US$200 in debt to buy the produce he was to sell the next day. The following morning he started his work and a little while later, the police began harassing him constantly  because he did not have a vendor's permit. He was extremely frustrated and  he went to the government to complain. When they refused to see him he threatened to set himself on fire, which they believed would never happen. A little while later, Mohamed Bouazizi set himself alight in front of a local government building. This led to the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali 28 days later on 14 January 2011, he had supposedly fled to Saudi Arabia. This brave act also started a whole new revolution of Tunisia,which later spread to other parts of the Middle East and parts of North Africa.

This conflict has sparked rumors about World War Three.This seems to be spreading extremely fast and violence needs to be seized. The United Nations Security Council Resolution (France,Lebanon and the United Kingdom) have imposed a "No Fly Zone" on Libya with 5 abstentions: Brazil, Russia, India, China and Germany, but none opposed because they do know SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE before its too late! 

Will this be the start to ending the world or creating a brand new one?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A city of lights...a city of dreams.

As he drove through the city, he thought about his life. He was thirty five with no career nor any money. He drove past the city lights and the prodigious gardens and Ferrari's. Thats the life he wanted. Thats the elite and grandeur life he dreams about. His stripling life sprang into his mind...he was young and handsome! What an insouciant life he lived...girls chased after him and at the time that's all he cared about...popularity...  but not so much anymore. That stage was over, reality sunk more fantasy's, no more delusions. He gave his family specious lies about the society he lived in. They vexed about him being in trouble, but he just couldn't admit to them that he was in crisis...He just couldn't prove them right!

No friends to confide family to talk to, no one to vent to. He was all alone in a city... a city of lights, a city of dreams... a city that he just wanted to believe would soon be his.


In the dark, lonesome night she walked alone formidable of what surrounded her. In the middle of the desert after what seemed like a near death experience...Life didn't seem worth living.Dreary as she walked and spasmodic bursts as she flashed back to the moment that famished her heart. Swingeing pain seemed to take over her body.She didn't feel the need to go on. Life without him was merely nothing.She felt like such a sycophant.All those years wasted over a vain and chaffy human,or even a worthless pretender! The pain he cause would never be healed! She wished for the dreading pain to evanesce... to flow like water out of her body, but that she knew would never happen.She was scared for life..with nothing but a dromedary walking towards her in the far corner that seemed like heaven.The moon, the beautiful night sky and the shining north star that guided her to what lay before her....Vacuity.